Is Fast Food Really That Unhealthy?

   In his most recent book, “Fast Food
Genocide”, Dr. Joel Fuhrman investigates the
effects of a fast food lifestyle on us individually
and as a society.  In his definition of fast food,
Dr. Fuhrman includes food served by chain
restaurants and the wide range of processed
foods containing added sugar, salt, and fat.  His
premise is that most people are unaware that
the food choices they make affect their ability to
think, mental stability, attitudes, behaviors and
general health.  While his views about plant-
based diets have been addressed at the
individual level in his previous books, this time
around his goal is to explain how the foods we
chose affect society.  While the book’s title
does have the ring of publisher hyperbole, the
statistics supporting his proposition more than
live up to the title when measured in lives lost
and quality of life lost.

   If interested in understanding the national
debate about nutrition and in particular the
appropriate role for Government as an arbiter of
good nutrition, the book is a good starting

   If new to Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s plant-based
whole food Nutritarian concept, I recommend
acquainting yourself with his approach for
selecting healthy foods based on their
micronutrient density per calorie.  For more
about the Nutritarian approach, read “Six Basic
Guidelines for the Nutritarian Diet.

   Now for a few highlights from the book that
often run counter to conventional thinking.

• Over thousands of years, humans adapted to
eat a wide range of foods.  In the healthiest
areas of the world, people ate mostly plant-
based foods with the very healthiest consuming
plant-based whole foods.  In climates where
plants could not be easily grown, meat became
a survival food.  For example, the Eskimos eat
mostly fish.  Unfortunately, the Eskimo diet is not
great for health and a long life.  In Canada, the
Eskimo population has a life expectancy that’s
about 12 years less than in the general

• An essential part of achieving the best health
and ideal weight is a diet that has a wide
spectrum of nutrients without adding extra
calories.  Unfortunately, we are a social species
inclined to reason that if everyone else is doing
something it must be ok.  A constant barrage of
advertising reinforces this message.  For many,
this messaging becomes an invisible force
dictating their food choices.

• Despite the billions of dollars spent seeking
cures for a wide range of mental illnesses,
cancers, and autoimmune diseases, lifestyle
change as a preventative measure remain the
best solution in most cases.  Cigarette smoking
is a case in point.  It remains unlikely that a pill
will be invented that keeps a person from
getting lung cancer if they smoke for 40 years.  
For other diseases like Alzheimer’s, lifestyle is
also the likely culprit and lifestyle change will
probably be the best cure that will be found.  
Expect the glacially slow advances in cures for
these lifestyle/age diseases to only produce
incrementally improved heroic measures that
typically offer on average only a few extra
months in exchange for a compromised quality
of life.

• In the 1950s about 45% of adults smoked. As
a result of education and public policy, today
only about 19% of adults smoke.  The good
news is that lifestyle improved quality of life for
millions.  By comparison, smoking is a relatively
small health hazard compared with fast food.  
About 96% eat fast food despite the evidence
that a change in lifestyle can decrease heart
disease in men by 90% and in women by 92%.  
Of course, heart disease is only one of many
chronic conditions that can respond positively to
changes in diet.

• The problem with most fast food is not how
quickly you can have it delivered and eat it.  The
real problem is how fast the refined foods enter
the bloodstream and the subsequent release of
fat storage hormones along with the increased
release of dopamine (a driver of addiction in the
brain).  When the use of addictive foods is
repeated, the brain responds by decreasing the
number of dopamine receptors.  As a result,
satisfying the addictive drive requires eating
more.  This effect varies with each person
depending on their propensity to addiction.

• Baked goods containing white flour are usually
devoid of many micronutrients and have almost
the same glycemic load as pure white sugar.  
Eating most bread, rolls, pizza, or pastries are
not much different than eating candy or
spoonfuls of white sugar. These high glycemic
load foods are known to promote six types of
cancer (colon, breast, endometrial, lung,
pancreas, and prostate).

• Food addiction is often mistaken for hunger.  
In a world of plenty, most have never felt hunger.  
In contrast with the far more common food
addiction responses, hunger does not cause
fatigue, is not painful and not uncomfortable.
True hunger does turn your attention to seeking
the amount of food needed to maintain a healthy

• The unfortunate trend today is for children to
become hooked on fast foods from a very
young age.  As a result, they reject plant-based
whole foods.  Once this addictive pattern has
been established, rationalizations to justify the
behavior naturally follow.  The thinking process
and end result are little different for food than for
drug addiction.  The effects on mental health are
concerning.  About one in eight adolescents can
be diagnosed as clinically depressed with many
more having milder forms of mood disorders
and learning difficulties.

• The use of vegetable oil is rarely necessary or
nutritionally advantageous.  Refined vegetable
oil adds more calories (120
calories/tablespoon) to a meal than needed to
maintain a healthy weight.  With a plant-based
whole food diet, no added oil is needed.  Using
oil to fry is counterproductive to maintaining a
healthy weight.  When you fry a vegetable in oil it
no longer counts nutritionally as a vegetable.  It
then qualifies as junk food.  Fruits and
vegetables contain sufficient healthy fats.  
However, be aware that nuts, seeds, and
avocados do contain a larger amount of healthy
fats which if eaten in excess can promote
weight gain.

• There are populations eating mostly plant-
based whole foods that have few recorded
cases of heart disease.  Typically, these people
are lean despite having access to an
abundance of food.  It’s actually quite difficult for
a person to gain excess weight or retain excess
weight when eating mostly fruits, vegetables,
beans, and whole grains along with modest
amounts of nuts and seeds.

• While the Mediterranean diet is much better
than the Standard American Diet (SAD), it still
falls short of an optimal diet for health or weight
loss.  While a step in the right direction, what
passes for a Mediterranean diet by many, is a
diet that still contains calorie dense non
micronutrient foods like vegetable oil, flour, and
animal products.  To its credit, the
Mediterranean diet does emphasize tomato
sauce, fruits, and vegetables.  One caution,
many tomato sauces have large amounts of
added sugars and fats.

• The full potential of diet for preventing cancer
is best realized by a lifetime of healthy eating
with the greatest benefits accumulating when
healthy eating habits begin in childhood.  
Recent studies estimate that about 40% of
people over the age of 40 have detectable
cancer cells.  Perhaps science will eventually
provide a method for eliminating these
unwanted cells.  Till then, the best cancer
defense is at the stage, where cancers exist at
a microscopic size.  At that stage, a healthy
immune system supported by a healthy diet is
the best defense.

• If you want to get healthy, join with others
striving to be healthy.  Often this will require
reaching beyond your immediate friends and
family.  Belonging to a support group is a
powerful force for change.  When you belong to
a group that supports you, progress gets easier.

•The increase in calories consumed daily per
person since 1900 is shown in the table below.
The trend is clear, vegetables and fruits have
been replaced by high-calorie sugars, oils, and
animal protein.


• While all foods are some combination of three
essential macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates,
and protein), that information alone doesn’t give
much insight into the health value of the food.  
The difference is because our body
metabolizes whole foods differently than
processed foods.  A whole food and a
processed food with identical macronutrients
can differ enough that one would qualify as junk
food and another as optimal nutrition.  The
essence of the difference is what’s left after
processing.  Quality fiber is often the first
casualty of food processing. Micronutrients lost
in processing may include any one of 14
vitamins, 25 minerals, or 1000’s of health-
promoting phytochemicals.

• Unless highly processed, vegetables and fruits
are high in micronutrients per calorie.  Among
the most nutrient dense vegetables are collards,
kale, cabbage, spinach, carrots, and
cauliflower.  Berries and beans of all types are
also high in micronutrients.

• Anyone confused about nutrition can thank the
food industry for working overtime to muddy the
waters.  Studies that make the news cycle often
represent a short-term comparison of two small
groups that both eat unhealthy diets.  Run
enough trials and one will often look more
favorable.  Studies by the egg industry showing
that eggs don’t increase cholesterol is a classic
example.  What the highly publicized test really
showed is that if you already consume the
maximum amount of cholesterol your body can
absorb, adding more cholesterol to the
Standard American Diet (SAD) has no
measurable effect.

   Perhaps, these highlights will interest you in
reading more.  There is much more in Dr.
Fuhrman’s book to inform you about how food
affects your health, the economy, the
environment, and society.

Nancy Neighbors, MD
      Huntsville, Alabama

    Take Out is Winning the Food Wars

   Americans have typically spent about 13% of
their income on food for many years.  What has
changed is the proportion of the budget spent
on fast food. Today, the average is 44% of a
family food budget for food eaten away from
home (fast food).  Among millennial households,
the percentage is even higher. The percentage
varies with economic times.  During recessions,
the amount spent on fast food falls.  Increasingly
there has been a shift from prepared food eaten
out toward prepared food brought home.

   Convenience is increasingly important and
now includes web delivery services and grocery
stores with new offerings.  What hasn’t changed
is the need to make a profit by selling more
food.  This is where the consumer can be easily
fooled by meals that look healthier but only use
their presentation as a disguise for food
science that encourages every more
consumption.  Even restaurants that you would
assume offer quality food must compete with
their peers for your repeat business.  That
repeat business comes from appealing to the
taste of their customers with the most addictive
and least expensive ingredients possible (salt,
oil, sugar, etc.).  Few restaurants survive by
featuring truly nutritious food.  Fortunately, a
smart consumer can usually still find a find
nutritious food hidden somewhere on the menu
or by explaining to the wait staff your dietary
needs.  Mentioning the phrase “dietary need” is
often enough to assure attention to your special
Food category
Sugar (lbs/year)
Soft drinks (gallons/year)
Oils (lbs/year)
Cheese (lbs/year)
Meats (lbs/year)
Veg. & fruits (lbs/year)
Total Calories